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Cor-Kinetic info snacks Ep 7 - Neuroplastic pain
Join Ben as he dives into the world of neuroplastic pain!
"Neuroplastic pain is a type of chronic pain that occurs when the brain misinterprets safe signals from the body as dangerous. It's not imaginary, but it can...
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Cor-Kinetic Info snacks Ep 6 - Should exercise be fun!?
Join Ben as he dives into the tricky subject of if exercise should be fun!
Fun is good! But maybe we need more than fun to really inspire us. Sometimes we have to do things that aren't fun but they are easier or...
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Cor-Kinetic Info snacks Ep 5 - Dealing with uncertainty!
In this episode Ben dives into the world of uncertainty in healthcare
Ben discusses 3 main areas. Uncertainty for clinicians with tests and treatments, uncertainty for patients and then communicating uncertainty.
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Cor-Kinetic info snacks Ep 4 - A movement snack is NOT an exercise snack!
Join Ben for the latest episode and he explains why a movement snack is quite different to an exercise snack!
One of the key differentials is INTENSITY!
Movement snacks are really about pain and not about...
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Cor-Kinetic info snacks Ep 3 - Initial appointment fundamentals
Join Ben for the 3rd episode of the info snacks Cor-Kinetic podcast
This episode looks at the initial appointment fundamentals that should be covered. Ben explores this from both a person focused and traditional...
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Cor-Kinetic info snacks Ep 2 - Why is my patient not getting better?
Join Ben as he discusses the question of "Why is my patient not getting better"
Even though we have average prognosis and effects of treatments at a population level, we often don't know about the patient in front of...
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Cor-Kinetic Info snacks Ep 1 - How to read a paper!
Join Ben as a he revamps the Cor-Kinetic podcast with the all new info snacks format
These will be 20-30 minute snacks on clinically relevant topics.
In this episode Ben talks about how he would read a paper and what...
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EP 17 - John Kiely talks complex systems, stress & coaching
In this episode Ben is joined by John Kiely
Ben & john get into the weeds around complex systems, stress and whats important with regards to coaching!
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EP 16 - Lianne Wood talks exercise & treatment mechanisms
Join Lianne and Ben as they discuss exercise and some of the mechanisms involved along with some other questions including:
Is exercise more than just physical?
Are treatment targets mainly physical?
What should be...
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EP15 - Steph Allen talks ACL rehab
This time out Steph Allen joins Ben to talk about her project ACL resolve and what she sees as important in ACL rehab
The slogan for this episode was little ligament, big implications!
Steph & Ben covered:
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EP 14 - Peter Stillwell talks enactivism, pain & rehab
Join Peter & Ben as they discuss enactivism and its relation to MSK rehab.
Enactivism has become a bit of a buzz word recently with the application of its concepts to pain. But how well is it really...
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EP13 - Adam Meakins discusses "Can't go wrong getting strong"
Join Adam & Ben as they discuss Adam's infamous slogan "you can't go wrong getting strong"
What the hell does Adam mean?
What are some misinterpretations of the slogan?
What about for painful problems?
Has Adam's...
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